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Friday 19 December 2014


Skeleton King is crumbling to dust after too many resurrections. He has staked his hopes on a ritual that can be performed but once in a millennium. On the solstice known as Wraith-Night, auroral powers charge the earth with an eerie glow. Imbued with Wraith Essence, monsters grow in power but heroes gain new strength. You alone can harvest the energy needed to prepare the King for his next coronation. Who knows how he might show his appreciation?
Placed in a trance by his Mage-Physician, Skeleton King rests upon a wintry Altar. All through the longest night, five heroes must defend His Highness from the armies of Wraith-Night. With every beast they slay, a spark of Wraith Essence flows to the King. Survive until dawn, and the King will be reborn in a form more imperishable than bone. May the first rays of the Frostivus sun illumine the newly risen Wraith King!
Sadly, during his rite of transformation, Your King will be unable to play a role in worldly affairs. But don't lament the absence of Your King. Instead, play your part in his restoration! Each soul collected during Wraith-Night will count toward his Second Coronation! Long live the Wraith King!

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